To be recognised as the leading members golf club in the Heart of England
To present a regenerated, top quality heathland course which is challenging but fair
A club where individuals and families can come to play, compete or relax
To ensure that the camaraderie of being a Taddy member is always at the center of our activities
To develop our clubhouse in sympathy with its farmhouse heritage and able to meet the needs of all members
To consistently deliver excellence in service and presentation, on and off the course 2 THGC: Where Excellence Is Par
We will treat all our stakeholders with respect, honesty and integrity
We will actively work to facilitate the friendship and enjoyment of being a Taddy member for men, women, intermediates and juniors
Excellent sportsmanship, teamwork and communications are central to the way we behave
We will always be welcoming to members, their families and visitors.