
Tadmarton Heath Golf Club

Member's Comments & Feedback

Members are invited to write any comments they wish to make here, the views expressed are those of the individual member and not those necessarily of the the Club.  The page is not interactive but can be viewed by all other members, so please ensure that all comments are constructive and do not contain any abusive, aggressive or discriminatory language of any kind.  All comments will be moderated by club officials and any that are deemed inappropriate will be removed.

Bob Lawrence, 10:36 am, Wednesday 10th Jul 2024

May I suggest as a concession to afternoon members, that when a society is booked in to begin their tee times at 1300 hrs, ( the earliest an afternoon member can book a tee time) then if possible, allow afternoon members to tee off from 1200hrs. I’m convinced this would help with pace of play issues and make the day more pleasant for visitors.
Thank you for your comments, this was discussed at a recent Board meeting, where it was felt the information when the office can book in societies is clearly shown on the members website.

Andrew Barnes , 12:16 pm, Tuesday 6th Feb 2024

Sorry - something went wrong - so thanks for pointing out now no need to tee off from 8th. However if teeing off from 8th was a regular option, there would logically have been less wear & tear on 1 -7

I fully endorse a “common sense” rule ie not to go off the 8th unless first ensuring no -one on 6th tee (or closer).

Andrew Barnes , 12:10 pm, Tuesday 6th Feb 2024

Thank you Greens Committee for pointing out that holes 1 abd 2

Peter Turner, 7:37 am, Tuesday 2nd Jan 2024

Whilst I can understand why the first and second holes are closed, why only on weekdays? Also, there is a competition every Wednesday that can’t use all holes, and more significantly, the MacMillan Cup knock out has to be played during the next couple of months and being a Seniors comp, most would play on weekdays. Presumably we will only have 16 holes to play the knock out or try to play at weekend when it will be very busy

Thank you for the comments, in terms of the MacMillen KO if we can refer you to the Competition T&C's in particular Part 2. 3.3. Your comment regarding the hole closures during midweek only will be referred to the Greens Committee for discussion.

Andrew Barnes , 10:26 am, Friday 22nd Dec 2023

Just read that the first tee, having suffered significant wear, is to be closed for a period, and a temp teeing area created. I often puzzle as to the rigidity of not being able to start on the 8th but am assured this will not change. This means wear and tear on front 7 holes is significantly increased e.g. Academy members only can play 1 - 6 so will always use 1st tee, afternoon members this time of year will struggle to get much more than 9 holes in, and a significant number of members only want to play 9 holes or so.
Allowing members to start from the 8th would considerably reduce wear and tear on the 1st tee, and indeed may well help to reduce the seriously muddy state of 1st / 2nd fairways (with less foot traffic).

Maybe less important, maybe not - I am aware THGC has been striving to get into the Top 100 courses - to have to move the 1st tee to a temp does not enhance the visitor experience, and as above, maybe reducing traffic on front nine is worthy of consideration?

Thank you for the suggestion this
will be taken to the next Greens meeting

UPDATE- Now the 1st and 2nd is now fully open, the Greens committee feel there is no need to tee off the 8th, however the Greens committee will continue to monitor the situation.

Andrew Barnes , 10:24 am, Monday 20th Nov 2023

I wonder whether thought could be given to having a noticeboard (online maybe) for members to seek other playing partners. I tend to play 9 holes (walking) but happy to do 18 in a buggy. I can of course add my name to someone’s booked tee time, but if I am not planning to play full round, it would not be fair to do that.

Thank you for the suggestion, we will look if this is possible using our current system. UPDATE After further investigation we are afraid the system can’t be changed, however we will add a sign up sheet on the locker room noticeboard

Andrew Barnes , 10:36 am, Wednesday 1st Nov 2023

I would like to second Bob Lawrence’s request. When I joined in 2020 the afternoon members could play from 12 noon when clocks go back. I seem to recall the change to 1pm all year happened around the time COVID restrictions lifted - does seem a bit tough on afternoon members.

Thank you for your feedback. The membership committee meet every year to discuss the current rules within each category, at present it is felt that the current rule of 1pm is adequate taking into consideration the membership numbers in the other categories.

Bob Lawrence, 11:04 am, Wednesday 25th Oct 2023

Could you please consider afternoon members playing golf from 1200hrs from when the clocks go back and winter time is upon us. ( in order to play a full round).
Is it also possible for you to consider allowing afternoon members to play in the competitions allowed to country members, after all both pay equal subscriptions.

Thank you for your comments and suggestions. The membership committee meet every year to discuss the current rules within each category, at present it is felt that the current rule of 1pm is adequate taking into consideration the membership numbers in the other categories.

With regards to playing in competitions which are afforded to Country members, this membership requires the member to live 40 miles away and only allowed to play 25 times per year. There is no current plan to change the T&C’s of the Afternoon membership category to offer the same.

Chris Tandy, 1:51 pm, Thursday 31st Aug 2023

Can we consider areas where the grass growth is patchy ( just mud) or failing to take, to be GUR … for instance hole 6 front green side bunker, the grass level or surface does not offer an opportunity to play any recovery shot.
Thank you for your suggestion, this will now be taken to the Greens Committee

Chris Denton, 3:29 pm, Sunday 30th Jul 2023

The work done by the divotting volunteer group is clearly helping the course.
Could we have small bags of seed / sand available for individual golfers to take out to repair their own divots?
Thank you for your suggestion, this will be taken to the next Greens Committee meeting.

Iain Stirling, 9:01 am, Friday 2nd Jun 2023

When may we expect to see hand rails on either or both of the steps up to the 9th tee?
Thank you for the suggestion this will be passed onto the Green's Committee. UPDATE - 3/7/23 This has now been put in place on the steps at the back of the tee

Phil Hackett, 7:12 am, Friday 2nd Jun 2023

The course is looking great, thank you and well done to all those involved in managing, improving and maintaining the course
Thank you for your feedback, this will be passed onto the staff team.

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