
Tadmarton Heath Golf Club

Beaumont Pease Trophy & Harold King Cup 2025 - Round 1

Saturday 7th June
Tadmarton Heath, Tee - Black
H'cap Allowance: 95%

Beaumont Pease (Board Competition) Format: Individual net stroke play (qualifying) over 36 holes from black tees with 95% handicap allowance, a BB&O Order of Merit qualifying event. Divisions: Single.

Round 1 - 18 holes 2 tee start

Rolling Lunch

Round 2 - 18 holes 2 tee start

6 prizes overall, limit of one prize per competitor, trophies remain at the Club.  Starting: Drawn from 1st tee in groups of three.

Eligibility: Open competition for amateurs, CDH number required on the day, play off current handicap, maximum handicap index of 7.6 = course handicap 8. Course handicaps up to 10.0 may play but will be balloted out if numbers are exceeded. Ties decided by matching scorecards. Entry Fee Member £35: Visitor £55

Harold King Memorial Cup Format: Individual gross stroke play (qualifying) over 18 holes from black tees. Divisions: Single up to handicap index of 7.6 = course handicap 8.

6 prizes overall, limit of one prize per competitor, trophies remain at the Club. Starting: Drawn from 1st tee in groups of three. Ties decided by matching scorecards Eligibility: Open gross competition for amateurs. 

Players with fewer than 6 acceptable scores in their handicap record (NEW FOR 2024, 3 OF YOUR ACCEPTABLE SCORES MUST BE IN COMPETITIONS) in the previous 12 months may enter either competition, but are ineligible for prizes.

Cancellation policy -  No refunds for cancellations a week before the closing date.


Competition in Progress

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Competition Fees:
  • £35.00 Per Member (Required On Entry)
  • £55.00 Per Visitor (Required On Entry)
Open To: Men
Current Entries: 5

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