Updated - 20th Mar 2020

Announcement to Members & Visitors- Closure of Club House

As a consequence of the high risk to health created by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic it is with regret that a decision has been taken to close the Clubhouse Facilities at THGC, effective immediately - 11:30, Friday 20th March 2020.

This action has been taken to help safeguard employees and club members and follows Government guidelines that have been issued to assist with combating the spread of this virus.

Staff will attend the clubhouse to complete their shutdown duties of stock, equipment and hygiene over the next two days only, with strictly a no entry policy to members or visitors during this time. All Clubhouse Staff who have an employment contract with THGC will be laid off on full pay, whilst the Board and Management await Government announcements over the next few days.

The golf course and professional shop will continue to be available to members, strictly in line with Government guidelines. The locker rooms and driving range remain available but under review. There will be regular communications sent to you to keep you fully informed of all developments at THGC.

The Board deeply regret having to make such decisions, but the extreme situation created by the Coronavirus epidemic has made it impossible to continue normal operations and wish to express their intention to provide maximum support for all employees during this unprecedented period.

Posted - 17th Mar 2020


The Board of Directors met recently, to discuss the effect the latest announcements will have on our golf club.

A positive meeting followed of solutions and changes to our everyday behaviour, led by the Board and Management and advised to the membership as follows:-


Clubhouse seating will be changed to improve social distancing, with a note on each table as follows:- the club recommends that members observe the 'social distancing' policy currently recommended by the UK Government")

No cash payments will be accepted in the clubhouse nor the professional's shop. Strictly card payments, contactless where possible.

Air blow hand cleaners will have their fuses removed to isolate them

Paper towel holders will be obtained and used

Staff will instigate an enhanced cleaning regime and will be asked to help with increased cleaning of offices, clubhouse and locker rooms, etc.

Air circulation in clubhouse and locker rooms will be improved by 'forced' opening of doors and windows, even at the expense of the ambient temperature.

Access to the kitchen for the ordering of food will be reviewed on a daily basis and restricted as is deemed necessary

Members must observe the recommended hand cleaning regime before entering the clubhouse

Locker Rooms

Locker room towels"‹ will be removed.

Society and green fee players will continue to be welcome to come and play the course. However, any decision to use the clubhouse for purchase of food or beverage will be left to the individual decision. For 'small' societies, the dining room may be used by prior agreement for food consumption for the purpose of social-distancing

Club golf events will continue as scheduled.   however, organised post-golf meals will NOT be served.   The use of the clubhouse post-golf for food or beverage consumption will be left as an individual decision.


No cash payments will be accepted in the clubhouse nor the professional's shop. Strictly card payments, contactless where possible.

the PSI will not be available, cards to be handed into Pro Shop.    JS will advise members on enhanced use of electronic means of registering a score

Touch points for doors, scorecards, payments will be minimised at all times

Office Building

The Directors have agreed not to meet at the clubhouse in person for the foreseeable future.   They encourage the organisers of other meetings to consider the necessity. 

Access to the office will be restricted to staff. Members are asked to use phone or email to make enquiries


Bye Law 18 that requests members not to change footwear or clothes in the car parks is suspended until further notice to encourage social distancing

Staff will instigate an enhanced cleaning regime and will be asked to help with increased cleaning of offices, clubhouse and locker rooms, etc.

Members are expected to inform the General Manager if they are obliged to self-isolate or are diagnosed with the coronavirus. Members so affected are asked to contact other club members with whom they have been in contact, at the earliest opportunity

Members are reminded that flagsticks and rakes are a surface which should be handled with care.

We will keep members informed of any further changes, thank you for your patience during this challenging time.

Board of Directors