Winter Warmer Membership 2019/20
Test yourself at Taddy with our 7-day taster membership
Membership runs from 1st October - 29th February - NEW PRo-rata rates now available
Full adult member - £360
Intermediate Member (18-32) - £260
fees include driving range card (250 balls) & Clubhouse Card (£25 start up, 12% F&B disc)
If you choose to join the club at the end of the Winter Warmer period, your Winter Warmer fee will be deducted from your joining fee
Download our Winter Warmer leaflet here , or continue reading below:
This is an introductory membership designed to encourage golfers to join Taddy as a full member. Many golfers fear the expense of joining a new club in case it doues not live up to expectations. If that's the case and you're interested in joining us, then the Winter Warmer is for you.
Unlimited Golf without payment of further green fees: in accordance with the Club Rules shown on the Club Website and in the Club Diary
Tadmarton is a year-round course: often open when others are closed during periods of adverse weather conditions, thereby making the subscription better value
An Easy-Walking Course: suitable for all ages
Tee Times: the Club only has reserved tee times for club matches, competitions and societies, leaving the members with good access to the course
You can sign in three guests at one time: to play with you at the members' reduced green fee rate (maximum 6 times per individual at guest rate)
Membership is available between 1st October 2019 and 1st February 2020, providing play until 29th February 2020 for those 18 years of age or over: Admission is subject to an interview with the General Manager and the display of your application in the Clubhouse for two weeks. All Club Rules must be observed during the period of the Membership
Winter Warmer Members receive a Members' Green Card on which £25 will be placed: Tadmarton Heath is proud of its catering reputation with excellent home made food. In addition, there is a fully stocked Bar available. Use of your Members Card provides 12% discount on bar and catering purchases. A driving range card with 30x 25balls will also be included in your welcome pack. Both cards can be topped up thereafter.
Club Competitions: During your period of membership, you are welcome to play in the various Mens, Ladies and Mixed competitions that are arranged, subject to any conditions imposed by the Competitions Committees. The conclusion of any competition must be within the Winter Warmer Membership period
The Winter Warmer Subscription: payable at the commencement of the membership and must be paid in full.
Winter Warmer membership: cannot be purchased by existing members of the club, nor those who have held any golf-playing category of membership within the last two yearsWinter Warmer membership: can be applied for only once
Winter Warmer Members are excluded from admission to any other membership promotion
Winter Warmer membership is not available to beginners
Application Form: Towards the end of the Winter Warmer period, you can consider applying for Full Membership of the Club. The General Manager will provide details of this process on application.
Welcome Meeting: You will be invited to meet some senior Club Members in a relaxed environment
When your Full membership is approved: All of your Winter Warmer membership fee will be credited against the Full Membership Joining Fee.
This Offer May Not Be Used With Any Other Promotion.
If you would like more information, or to book a show-around at the Club, please contact our General Manager, John Prior on the contact form below or on 01608 737278. Alternatively, you can download an application form here: Winter Warmer Application Form