
Tadmarton Heath Golf Club

Fortescue & Shakerley Trophy 2023

Sunday 4th June 2023
Tadmarton Heath, Tees - White, Red
H'cap Allowance: 50% Combined Handicap


Mixed stableford foursomes, handicap allowance is 50% of the combined team course handicaps,

Single Division Number of holes 18 Tees to use ï‚· Men and boys – white tees ï‚· Ladies and girls – red tees Handicap limit ï‚·

Men – handicap index 54 = course handicap 59 ï‚· Ladies – handicap index 54 = course handicap 63

Eligibility All Full, Country members Deciding Ties Normal countback rules apply Cost ï‚·

Entry fee - Member/Member £10 ï‚· Twos - £2 per pair

PRIZES Value of prizes based on number of competitors

PLAYER REGISTRATION Booking Groups of 4 Signing in In Pro Shop prior to play


Stableford foursomes, handicap allowance is 50% of the combined team course handicaps

Single Division Number of holes 18. Must start from 1st tee Tees to use ï‚· Men and boys – white tees ï‚· Ladies and girls – red tees Handicap limit ï‚· Men – handicap index 54 = course handicap 59 ï‚· Ladies – handicap index 54 = course handicap 63

Eligibility All Full and Country members, partnering a blood relative (or adopted). Five day and Associate members are welcome as partners, as are non-members, but spouses are not eligible. Teams can be mixed or same sex.

Deciding Ties Normal countback rules apply

Cost ï‚· Entry fee – Member/Member £10, Member/Visitor £30, Member/5-day member £30 ï‚· Twos - £2 per pair Value of prizes based on number of competitors

Fortescue & Shakerley Trophy 2023

Sunday 4th June 2023, White & Red Tees, Tadmarton Heath

Fortescue Trophy

Congratulations to Darren and Stephanie Goldsmith on winning the Fortescue Trophy. Darren and Stephanie also win a memento both and £25

2nd - Terry Sullivan & Muriel Williams win £20

Shakerley Trophy

Congratulations to Andrew and Ben Johnson on winning the Shaklery Trophy. Andrew and Ben also win a memento both and £20

2nd - David and Malcolm Nutt win £15

All qualifying 2's win £4.80 per share per person

View Statistics for this Competition Twos Report

Results Score 
1stDarren Goldsmith & Stephanie Goldsmith 40
2ndAndrew Johnson & Ben Johnson 40
3rdTerry Sullivan & Muriel Williams 38
4thBel Appleby & Kenneth Appleby 38
5thMaggie Irwin & Peter Riordan 36
6thDavid Marsh & Kate Marsh 36
7thDavid Nutt & Malcolm Nutt 36
8thJeremy Brown & Malcolm Brown 35
9thJenny Nunneley & Tim Nunneley 35
10thJohn Fox & Richard Fox 34
11thCara Caswell & David J Smith 34
12thAmelia Sambrook & Guy Sambrook 34
13thDawn Tucker & Howard Tucker 33
14thLes Washbourne & Luke Washbourne 33
15thRobert Branch & Stuart Branch (/Whittlebury Park)32
16thClaire Mottershead & Robert Mottershead 32
17thAlan G White & Susan White 32
18thChristine Pickering & Jim Pickering 32
19thMike Dudek & Geraldine Smith 30
20thMavis Pountney & Mike Swann JP 30
21stAlex Taylor & Joshua Taylor (/Crondon Park Golf & Country Club)29
22ndDavid Jones & Oliver Jones 26
23rdDavid White & Henry White 26
24thEvelyn Henry-Pierre & Nigel Hooper 24

Competition in Progress

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Open To: Men & Ladies
Current Entries: 48

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